Friday, November 13, 2009

Second creative writing lesson

Last saturday, i had my second creative writing session with the kids and it was amazing. i gave them magazines, poster, scissors, markers and glue and asked them to make a story by cutting characters and objects from the magazine and sticking them to the poster. the kids were really so excited and they started making up their stories. one group made a story about a married couple with children. another made a story about a fish and the third made an action story about a girl being kidnapped. what i like about this session was that the kids were being so creative and they learned to work together in a team.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mirette,it seems that you and Amira are really doing a great job in Alwan and Awtar... I like the kind of work you are doing there. Engaging kids in various activites to develop their skills and deliver a message are two missions that I think NGOs should focus on because kids are the upcoming generation so to build a productive creative generation we want, they are the ones to work on; the are really the base for the future. I m waiting for your presentation to know more details about your experience.
