Thursday, December 3, 2009

Third Creative writing session- 21st Nov.

In this session, i decided that the kids should start writing some simple words to get used to writing. we started by playing a game where i gave them a word "School" and i asked them to write as many words as possible related to this word. i gave them 2 minutes and the winner was the one who wrote more words than the others. Then we started cutting small squares out of three different colors. i divided the kids to two groups and each group takes squares out of each color. i asked the two groups to write descriptions of persons on the red colored squares, places on the blue squares, and verbs on the green ones.after the two groups were done, they swapped the squares and i asked each kid and pick a square out of each color and make up a story. the session was really fun and the kids learnt how to use their creativity in making up stories

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